Editor: Bmp2Cnc Creates ISO toolpaths for most of CNC machines tool.
# Bmp2Cnc reads the file in bitmap format (Jpg or BMP with 32,24,16,8 or 1 bit/plane color).
# Color or grayscale is quantified to adjust Z-axis depth, different tool overlaps, depths and tool radius are permitted.
# Final sizes of X-Y output can be scaled and stored into CNC files that could run with most computer numerical control routers and mills.
# Bmp2Cnc uses the different level or Shades to produce the depth of cut or Z-axis, as well as scaling the X-Y coordinates to the desired carving size.
# Bmp2Cnc manages flat, toroid, spheric and Conic tools.
# Bmp2Cnc also create an .STL file and an .DXF (only 3DFace Entities) file for use in other CAD/CAM applications.
# Bmp2Cnc included great number of open post-processor such as:
Fanuc, Fadal, Haas, Heidehain, Siemens, Mach2/3, TurboCnc, ....